In this easy to follow article we are going to highlight 5 simple steps that will help you to achieve your New Year’s Resolution for 2017.
Clear goals are easier to keep – and the more specific the better. So get some numbers into the equation when you’re making your New Year’s resolution or putting it into action.ASK YOURSELF:How much? And then rephrase your goal accordingly. In other words – it’s more effective to vow “I plan on losing 10kgs” than “I plan to get healthy.”
TIP: Be realistic. Setting yourself a goal that you don’t really believe you can keep is the easiest way to end up quitting early. - SET A DEADLINE
Just like meeting goals at the office, setting an exact date to check in on your progress will up your chances of success.ASK YOURSELF:When? You can either set one deadline for the entire goal, or break it down if you’re better with short term targets. For example – “I plan to save R1,000 towards my December holiday every month,” or “This year I plan to save R12,000 towards my December Holiday at Umdlalo Lodge”
TIP: Be exact. “By June” is good, “by June 1” is even better. - CREATE A SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENT
Often the most significant barriers to change exist not within us but right nearby – in our immediate environment. Making sure you have the people and things around you that will support your goals is crucial to achieving them.ASK YOURSELF:What do I need to achieve this goal? If you’re trying to get fit, for example, running shoes might be the missing link – or friends with similar aspirations.
TIP: Be ruthless. Getting rid of certain objects or consciously choosing to only be around the right people for you might be necessary for the initial habit-forming period. - DIG DEEP
The next step is turning within, to understand which of your values will support this change you’d like to make – and whether you have any limiting beliefs that might be standing in your way.ASK YOURSELF:What do I value? And what beliefs might be blocking me? For example – your value of looking after the environment can motivate you to ride your bike to work three days a week. On the other hand, if you want to quit smoking and yet deep down you believe that smoking is “cool,” you’ll probably need to reframe that idea.
TIP: Be open. Write down a list of beliefs and values – without thinking too much about the resolution at hand. Some examples might be: egalitarianism, sustainability, honesty, and family. When you’re done, go back over the list and seek out what might be relevant. - GET SKILLED
Once you’ve got your environment and beliefs in line with your goal, it’s time for some learning. Often achieving our goals means attaining certain skills – whether that learning accomplishes the goal itself or merely helps you on the way.ASK YOURSELF:What do I need to learn to make this change? Am I missing a vital skill here? For example, if you want to start composting, you might need to devote some time to research.
TIP: Be creative. Is there someone who can help you acquire the skill you need? Or can you find a free course online? Acquiring new skills needn’t be a hassle – it should be part of the fun!
Based in Umtentweni on the KZN South Coast, Umdlalo Lodge is an upmarket Four-Star Guest Lodge with eight luxurious air conditioned en suite bedrooms plus a romantic honeymoon suite. We have flexible capability to host day conferences for up to 60 delegates. Zizi’s Restaurant, also a unique venue of taste, is located within the lodge. Completing the ‘all under one roof package’ is a fashionable Ladies Bar overlooking a substantial veranda with sea view.
For more information on our exquisite accommodation, delectable dishes and unbelievable function packages, please contact us (039) 695-0224 |
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